Отель Пекин в Минске

Hotel «Beijing» 


At the guests' service:

 meals - restaurant, bar.

 SPA center

 fitness center

• parking for cars



Отель Минск в Минске

  Hotel «Minsk» 


At the guests' service:

• meals - restaurant, bar.

• SPA center

• fitness center

• parking for cars

• WI-Fi
Отель Беларусь в Минске

Hotel «Belarus» 


To the services of residents:

• meals - restaurant, bar.

• access to the fitness center

• swimming pools and saunas in the SPA center

• secured parking


Отель BonHotel в Минске

Hotel "BonHotel"


To the services of residents :

• food - cafe, bar.

• luggage storage

• WI-Fi


Отель Виктория в Минске

Hotel "Victoria"


To the services of residents :

• meals - restaurant, bar.

 swimming pool and sauna for everyone, located in the SPA center in the second building of the Victoria Hotel (from 7.00 to 22.00)

 guarded Parking


Наши контакты

ООО «Комфорт тревел»
УНП 190769652
  • +375 (29) 650-02-89
  • +375 (29) 648-38-56
    +375 (29) 689-19-49
  • Республика Беларусь, г. Минск
    220123, пр-т Машерова д.50 к.1
Режим работы:
Пн. - пт. 09.00 - 18.00
Перерыв 13.00 - 14.00

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