Procedure for obtaining visas to enter the Republic of Belarus :


The authorities that issue entry visas to the Republic of Belarus are:

- the diplomatic missions and consular institutions of the Republic of Belarus

- the Foreign Admissions Division of the Consular Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus in the “National Airport Minsk”


To obtain an entry visa, the following documents should be submitted to an entry visa issuing authority:

1) one copy of a duly completed visa application form

2) one photograph (35x45 mm., made not earlier than 6 months prior to submitting, full face, with size of face nearly 70-80 percent of the size of photo);

3) a foreign travel document - passport;

4) visa support documents

- invitation letter

- confirmation of booking  

6) medical insurance contract signed with “Belgosstrakh“ or “Beleximgarant“ or medical insurance contract signed with any foreign insurance organization; 

7) a confirmation of the consular fee paid

The term of visa procedure is 5 working days (as a matter of urgency — within 2 working days) from the date of application. Decision is taken by the consular officer on the basis of the submitted documents and it is final.


Visa to Belarus through our travel company «Komfort Travel»:


You send a request to our e-mail about the planned dates of your trip to Belarus, a copy of the first page of your passport, information about the place of work and the position held


We reserve accommodation facilities for you (hotel, sanatorium, estate or recreation center), and also provide travel services based on your wishes (excursions, transfers, guides-translators, transport services, etc.)


You pay for visa support, accommodation facility and other travel services in a convenient way for you (non-cash payment, payment by VISA / MASTER CARD)


We send visa support documents (an invitation letter and a contract) to you and to the diplomatic missions and consular institutions of the Republic of Belarus, the Foreign Admissions Division of the Consular Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus in the “National Airport Minsk”

Наши контакты

ООО «Комфорт тревел»
УНП 190769652
  • +375 (29) 650-02-89
  • +375 (29) 648-38-56
    +375 (29) 689-19-49
  • Республика Беларусь, г. Минск
    220123, пр-т Машерова д.50 к.1
Режим работы:
Пн. - пт. 09.00 - 18.00
Перерыв 13.00 - 14.00

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